Hello Josh,
Post by k***@use.startmail.comLooking at my system disk usage I've just discovered several gigs of /var/lib/mongodb/journal files. The rest of data of all /var is under 100K.
Does anyone have any idea how to trim the folder and what its purpose is?
I did not know about the usage of mongodb in Kolab, so that made me curious...
I find two references:
So mongodb might be used as an alternative to mysql for the roundcube cache.
I checked my Kolab 16 test installation, and in
/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php there is only a reference to mysql
(value db_dsnw)
It seems it is used with manticore.
I actually have never tried manticore in Kolab 16 yet.
Right, my test installation has already 3 GB in /var/lib/mongodb/journal
some info about journaling: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/journaling/
"To provide durability in the event of a failure, MongoDB uses write
ahead logging to on-disk journal files."
in /etc/mongod.conf:
# Enable/Disable journaling (journaling is on by default for 64 bit)
#journal = true
#nojournal = true
So you might try to disable journaling? or disable manticore if you
don't need it?
just some ideas.