strange behaviour of ptloader unable to canonify identifier
Jan Kowalsky
2017-08-11 14:52:34 UTC
Hi all,

we have the following setup:

* one server with mailserver (cyrus-imapd) and webmailer
* stand-alone ldap-server
* another server with a additional webmail and a additional replicated
ldap server - webmailer asks the ldapserver on localhost
* multidomain setup with cyrus pts configured
* kolab 3.4 on debian 7

while user can login in webmail running on the mailserver where cyrus is
running - they can't on the other. But only from one specific domain and
only if they didn't login on the other webmailer before. The latter
seems to be related to ptscache.

If they try to login on the separate webmail instace I get in the mail.log

ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: ***@example.org

from the webmailer on the "mailserver" login works.

If I configure the second webmailer using the first ldap-server
everything works also fine.

The only difference I can find between the queries in ldap (when cyrus
(which tries to find the user id)

Lookup works:

[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
attrs="displayName mail alias nsRoleDN uid"

Lookup doesn't work

[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2

But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.

I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.

So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?

I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.

Don't know if it's related. We have problems that mailboxes of one
specific domains are not generated during user generation in ldap.
Mostly there is no mailbox at all - but sometimes there is just the
inbox generated (with no acl) and so on.

Best Regards
Liutauras Adomaitis
2017-08-14 13:29:43 UTC
Post by Jan Kowalsky
[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
Lookup doesn't work
[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.
So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are doing,
as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
Post by Jan Kowalsky
I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module. What
i would do is:
- take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in /etc/imapd.conf
for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter until ldapsearch utility
finds the LDAP object.

Jan Kowalsky
2017-08-29 08:10:42 UTC
Hi Liutauras,

thanks for answer.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
Lookup doesn't work
[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.
So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are doing,
as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
Post by Jan Kowalsky
I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module. What
- take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in /etc/imapd.conf
for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter until ldapsearch utility
finds the LDAP object.
That's exactly, what I did. And the same filter works on the command
line. But it comes even more strange:

Today I tried to create mailboxes, which where not created by kolab
during user creation.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
From 20 mailboxes for 9 of them the acl where not assigned - while the
mailbox was created. The reason: while mailbox creation is just a task
for cyrus for setting the acl the ptloader queries ldap. And exactly
this failed for the 9 mailboxes:

Aug 29 09:50:17 mail ptloader[15994]: No entries found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader
server: identifier not found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload completely failed: unable to
canonify identifier: ***@example.org

looking at the ldap access log there is this corresponding line:

[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=0 etime=0

But with the same filter on ldapsearch:

/usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h ldap -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
-w $(cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf |grep ^bind_pw | cut -d' ' -f 3) -s sub
-b "dc=example,dc=org"

it results the object.

I tried a couple of times to set mailbox acls by command line:

kolab sam user/***@example.org user/***@example.org all

but always the same error in mail.log

After a while: Just doing the same command again with no changes in
configuration the ptloader query worked and the acls are set.

Again: this problem only occurs with some of about 40 domains. And I'm
completely clueless.

Kind Regards
Liutauras Adomaitis
2017-08-29 08:29:26 UTC
Hi Jan,
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Hi Liutauras,
thanks for answer.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
attrs="displayName mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
Lookup doesn't work
[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
))(o bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.
So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are
doing, as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
Post by Jan Kowalsky
I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module.
- take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in
/etc/imapd.conf for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter
until ldapsearch utility finds the LDAP object.
That's exactly, what I did. And the same filter works on the command
Today I tried to create mailboxes, which where not created by kolab
during user creation.
Why is that? Doesn't your kolabd do the work it supposed to? Did you see any
errors in /var/log/kolab/pykolab.log file? Maybe increase logging level in /
etc/sysconfig/kolabd (assuming you are running RedHat derivative distribution)
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
From 20 mailboxes for 9 of them the acl where not assigned - while the
mailbox was created. The reason: while mailbox creation is just a task
for cyrus for setting the acl the ptloader queries ldap. And exactly
Do you mean it fails for 9 out of 20 mailboxes?
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail ptloader[15994]: No entries found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader
server: identifier not found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload completely failed: unable to
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
ass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=0 etime=0
/usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h ldap -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
-w $(cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf |grep ^bind_pw | cut -d' ' -f 3) -s sub
-b "dc=example,dc=org"
it results the object.
How is your ptloader configured in /etc/imapd.conf, does it use cn=Directory
Manager to bind to LDAP? You should use ldap_bind_dn value from your /etc/
imapd.conf for ldapsearch -D to do a correct test on command line.
I see error in your command, you list mailbox name twice, while you should
Post by Jan Kowalsky
but always the same error in mail.log
After a while: Just doing the same command again with no changes in
configuration the ptloader query worked and the acls are set.
Again: this problem only occurs with some of about 40 domains. And I'm
completely clueless.
So you have a multidomain setup? Is that reflected in /etc/imapd.conf ptloader
ldap configuration? Does every domain have it's own suffix in LDAP (like
dc=example,dc=com and dc=example,dc=org)? Did you take care of LDAP ACI's to
allow necessary access for kolab-admin bind dn?
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Kind Regards
users mailing list
Liutauras Adomaitis
Jan Kowalsky
2017-08-29 10:30:16 UTC
Hi Liutauras,
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Hi Jan,
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Hi Liutauras,
thanks for answer.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
attrs="displayName mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
Lookup doesn't work
[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
))(o bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.
So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are
doing, as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
Post by Jan Kowalsky
I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module.
- take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in
/etc/imapd.conf for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter
until ldapsearch utility finds the LDAP object.
That's exactly, what I did. And the same filter works on the command
Today I tried to create mailboxes, which where not created by kolab
during user creation.
Why is that? Doesn't your kolabd do the work it supposed to? Did you see any
errors in /var/log/kolab/pykolab.log file? Maybe increase logging level in /
etc/sysconfig/kolabd (assuming you are running RedHat derivative distribution)
it supposed. But it doesn't always. Mostly yes. But sometime not.
It's on Debian. But there I already increased the debug-level to 9. But
there is nothing usable in the pykolab.log.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
From 20 mailboxes for 9 of them the acl where not assigned - while the
mailbox was created. The reason: while mailbox creation is just a task
for cyrus for setting the acl the ptloader queries ldap. And exactly
Do you mean it fails for 9 out of 20 mailboxes?
yes, exactly. For (the first) 11 mailboxes it worked like expected for
the remaining 9 not.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail ptloader[15994]: No entries found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader
server: identifier not found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload completely failed: unable to
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
ass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=0 etime=0
/usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h ldap -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
-w $(cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf |grep ^bind_pw | cut -d' ' -f 3) -s sub
-b "dc=example,dc=org"
it results the object.
How is your ptloader configured in /etc/imapd.conf, does it use cn=Directory
Manager to bind to LDAP? You should use ldap_bind_dn value from your /etc/
imapd.conf for ldapsearch -D to do a correct test on command line.
no, you're right. It's the kolab-service user. But I tried the ldap
query on command line with kolab-service user -> same result.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
I see error in your command, you list mailbox name twice, while you should
I always do it like this and it worked. I thought the imap aci subject
ist the mail address? It's the same like

kolab sam user/***@example.org
-> and then use "***@example.org" as aci Subject and "all" for
the rights.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
but always the same error in mail.log
After a while: Just doing the same command again with no changes in
configuration the ptloader query worked and the acls are set.
Again: this problem only occurs with some of about 40 domains. And I'm
completely clueless.
So you have a multidomain setup? Is that reflected in /etc/imapd.conf ptloader
ldap configuration? Does every domain have it's own suffix in LDAP (like
dc=example,dc=com and dc=example,dc=org)? Did you take care of LDAP ACI's to
allow necessary access for kolab-admin bind dn?
yes, it's multidomain. And the imapd.conf ist configured for multidomain:

auth_mech: pts
ptscache_timeout: 600
pts_module: ldap
ldap_servers: ldap://ldap:389
ldap_sasl: 0
ldap_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_bind_dn: uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_password: SECRET
ldap_user_attribute: mail
ldap_group_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_group_scope: one
ldap_member_base: ou=People,dc=%2,dc=%1

ldap_domain_base_dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
ldap_domain_name_attribute: associatedDomain
ldap_domain_scope: sub
ldap_domain_result_attribute: inetdomainbasedn

The really strange thing ist that it works sometimes and sometimes not.

Thanks and Regards
Liutauras Adomaitis
2017-08-29 12:28:49 UTC
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Hi Liutauras,
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Hi Jan,
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Hi Liutauras,
thanks for answer.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
[11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
attrs="displayName mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
Lookup doesn't work
[11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
))(o bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating domains.
So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are
doing, as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
Post by Jan Kowalsky
I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module.
- take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in
/etc/imapd.conf for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter
until ldapsearch utility finds the LDAP object.
That's exactly, what I did. And the same filter works on the command
Today I tried to create mailboxes, which where not created by kolab
during user creation.
Why is that? Doesn't your kolabd do the work it supposed to? Did you see
any errors in /var/log/kolab/pykolab.log file? Maybe increase logging
level in / etc/sysconfig/kolabd (assuming you are running RedHat
derivative distribution)
it supposed. But it doesn't always. Mostly yes. But sometime not.
It's on Debian. But there I already increased the debug-level to 9. But
there is nothing usable in the pykolab.log.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
From 20 mailboxes for 9 of them the acl where not assigned - while the
mailbox was created. The reason: while mailbox creation is just a task
for cyrus for setting the acl the ptloader queries ldap. And exactly
Do you mean it fails for 9 out of 20 mailboxes?
yes, exactly. For (the first) 11 mailboxes it worked like expected for
the remaining 9 not.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail ptloader[15994]: No entries found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader
server: identifier not found
Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload completely failed: unable to
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
ctCl ass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
[29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=0 etime=0
/usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h ldap -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
-w $(cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf |grep ^bind_pw | cut -d' ' -f 3) -s sub
-b "dc=example,dc=org"
=kol abinetorgperson)))'
it results the object.
How is your ptloader configured in /etc/imapd.conf, does it use
cn=Directory Manager to bind to LDAP? You should use ldap_bind_dn value
from your /etc/ imapd.conf for ldapsearch -D to do a correct test on
command line.
no, you're right. It's the kolab-service user. But I tried the ldap
query on command line with kolab-service user -> same result.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
I see error in your command, you list mailbox name twice, while you should
I always do it like this and it worked. I thought the imap aci subject
ist the mail address? It's the same like
the rights.
Post by Liutauras Adomaitis
Post by Jan Kowalsky
but always the same error in mail.log
After a while: Just doing the same command again with no changes in
configuration the ptloader query worked and the acls are set.
Again: this problem only occurs with some of about 40 domains. And I'm
completely clueless.
So you have a multidomain setup? Is that reflected in /etc/imapd.conf
ptloader ldap configuration? Does every domain have it's own suffix in
LDAP (like dc=example,dc=com and dc=example,dc=org)? Did you take care of
LDAP ACI's to allow necessary access for kolab-admin bind dn?
auth_mech: pts
ptscache_timeout: 600
pts_module: ldap
ldap_servers: ldap://ldap:389
ldap_sasl: 0
ldap_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_bind_dn: uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_password: SECRET
ldap_group_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_group_scope: one
ldap_member_base: ou=People,dc=%2,dc=%1
ldap_domain_base_dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
ldap_domain_name_attribute: associatedDomain
ldap_domain_scope: sub
ldap_domain_result_attribute: inetdomainbasedn
The really strange thing ist that it works sometimes and sometimes not.
Thanks and Regards
users mailing list
I find it very strange that ldapsearch command works from command line, but
exactly the same ldap search query doesn't for ptloader module.
I also find strange that kolabd (kolab-server) doesn't create all the
mailboxes correctly.
That leads me to think that there might be some inconsistensies with LDAP data
or maybe talking to different LDAP servers. Maybe replication is not working
properly? BTW - do you replicate Kolab domain information also? I am asking
because as I see domain information is storred under cn=kolab,cn=config
All the situation reminds me a similar issue I've seen with Univention
Corporate Server and Kolab. Ptsmodule was failing there. UCS is debian
derivative so that is worth checking, but I don't remember exactly what Cyrus
version on UCS was with these issues. You can disable pts_module and run
without it perfectly fine. Wonder if disabling pts_module will also solve
mailbox creation issues.

