shared tagging in shared email-folders
Martin Kellermann
2017-02-17 08:38:38 UTC

this is Kolab 16 on CentOS 7 with webmail client ... generally working like expected.

i have a question regarding the message-tagging in shared folders with roundcube client.
It is possible to tag a message and set a color for this tag, but it seems to works on a "per user" basis - so every user has and only sees it's own tags.
but what i want is a "shared tagging". when user1 sets a new tag to a message in a shared email folder, it should be visible to all other users.

my questions:
is this expected behaviour?
is this tagging a roundcube feature or done by the IMAP server?
can shared tagging in shared folders be achieved by using an alternate client?

thanks in advance

