Debian8: packaging updates to roundcubemail in Kolab16
Jochen Hein
2017-04-14 19:53:23 UTC

today we got new packages for roundcubemail - thanks for working on
this. I noticed the following problems during update:

- There is a conflict for /usr/share/roundcubemail/index.php in
roundcubemail and roundcubemail-core - I fixed it with

- roundcubemail-plugins-kolab is replaced with a packages having the
plugins as dependencies. There's a conflict between Depends: and the
package description:

Depends: roundcubemail-core (>> 0.9), php-http-request2, php-net-url2,
php5-cli, php-kolab (>= 0.5), php-kolabformat (>= 1.1), php-mail-mime
(>= 1.8.5), php-net-ldap3, roundcubemail-plugin-calendar,
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-addressbook, roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-auth,
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-delegation, roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-files,
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-folders, roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-notes,
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-tags, roundcubemail-plugin-odfviewer,
roundcubemail-plugin-pdfviewer, roundcubemail-plugin-tasklist

This package provides a collection of several plugins for Roundcube that
are required to for using Roundcube with the Kolab Groupware solution,
- calendar
- kolab_addressbook
- kolab_auth
- kolab_config
- kolab_core
- kolab_folders
- kolab_zpush
- ldap_authentication

- In my installation the following plugins are enabled, but the plugins
were not installed: archive, kolab_2fa. I needed to install the
packages manually.

- Can we cherry-pick
https://git.kolab.org/rR940a27400e1d8cec7dc6cd87d8f9fc691fa317df to
the next roundcube package? My imap server is GSSAPI enabled, but not

- In the default mail view (using larry skin - my users are using it) I get:
| Not Found
| The requested URL /roundcubemail/assets/skins/larry/watermark.html was
| not found on this server.
There seems to be a packaging problem:
***@jupiter:/usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/larry# ls
addressbook.css embed.css googiespell.css images mail.css print.css settings.css styles.css svggradients.css thumbnail.png ui.js
***@jupiter:/usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/larry# ls /usr/share/roundcubemail/skins/larry/
addressbook.css googiespell.css includes meta.json README styles.css svggradients.css ui.js
embed.css images mail.css print.css settings.css svggradient.php templates watermark.html

Copying watermark.html fixed it for me.

Thanks again,
This space is intentionally left blank.